HomeWho got hack recently

Who got hack recently

Most companies do not have the advanced technologies to defend their infrastructure. Using Split Encryption will eliminate the problems. Criminals would not be able to decrypt the data even if they steal all of your data when using our advanced Split Encryption technologies. Our products were designed to help these type of companies to eliminate data keeping problem.

Companies Impacted
Capital One Impacted 100 million people in US and 6 million people Canada, 140,000 Social Security and 80,000 bank accounts, 1 million social insurance numbers of Canadian credit card customers. The hacked was occurred on March 22 and 23, 2019. It took them 4 months to figure out and reported to FBI on July 19, 2019. Expected financial impacts approximately $100 to $150 million in 2019. Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3
Equifax 143 million Americans were impacted. Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and full legal names. It took them more than 2 months to figure out that they were even hacked and they had to paid out $700 million in settlements. Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3
Facebook 29 million records were impacted, highly sensitive data, including locations, contact details, relationship status, recent searches, and devices used to log in. The hack was between July 2017 — September 2018. It took 14 months for them to figure out that they were hacked. Ref 1
Google 52.5 million Google+ profiles were hacked, including name, employer and job title, email address, birth date, age, and relationship status. This hack was somewhere from 2015 to 2018. It took them almost 3 years to figure out that they were even hacked. Ref1, Ref2
HomeDepot 56 million credit cards. The hack was from April and September 2014. It took them almost 5 months to figure out that they had been hacked. HomeDepot offered $19 million to settle customers' hacking lawsuit. Ref 1
Aadhaar 1.1 Billion Indian citizen biometrics and personal information was hacked. It's unclear when the database was first breached, but it was discovered in March 2018. Ref 1, Ref 2