Integration Tool and SDK are Here!

Integrate your app with our Developer Software Development Kits (SDKs) to secure your applications. We did the hard work now it is your turn to implement the code to secure your infrastructure or we can help you to implement it. Call us for a demo or contact us with any questions.

Integration Code Samples

C# Sample for encrypt and decrypt, for other functions scroll down to see the API Usage.

Passing the data to the ready for production library or you can create your web request function to send and received data from our Web Api server.
Call the API End point:
Encrypt Data Example
//Add the namespace and use the function
using SplitEncryptionLib;
var apiInstance = new SplitEncryption();
var result = apiInstance.SendRequest(apiUrl+"Encrypt", tokenId, tokenSecret, recordsToEncrypt, "userId", "userIp", "FunctionName", "RecordId");

Decrypt Data Example

//Add the namespace and use the function
using SplitEncryptionLib;
var apiInstance = new SplitEncryption();
var result = apiInstance.SendRequest(apiUrl+"Decrypt", tokenId, tokenSecret, recordsToDecrypt, "userId", "userIp", "FunctionName", "RecordId");

Download Integration Tool and SDK

PHP Sample for encrypt and decrypt, for other functions scroll down to see the API Usage.

Passing the data to the ready for production library or you can create your web request function to send and received data from our Web Api server.
Call the API End point:
Encrypt Data Example
//Add the library and use the function
$result = $SplitEncryption->SendRequest($this->apiUrl."Encrypt", $this->tokenId, $this->tokenSecret, $tempData, "userId", "userIp", "FunctionName", "RecordId");

Decrypt Data Example

//Add the library and use the function
$result = $SplitEncryption->SendRequest($this->apiUrl."Decrypt", $this->tokenId, $this->tokenSecret, $tempData, "userId", "userIp", "FunctionName", "RecordId");

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Encrypt Data Example

from SplitEncryption import SplitEncryption
#Create an instance to run the app
apiInstance = SplitEncryption()
encryptResult = apiInstance.SendRequest(apiServer+"RecordProtection/Encrypt", tokenId, tokenSecret, recordsToEncrypt, "userId", "userIp", "FunctionName", "RecordId")

Decrypt Data Example

from SplitEncryption import SplitEncryption
#Create an instance to run the app
apiInstance = SplitEncryption()
encryptResult = apiInstance.SendRequest(apiServer+"RecordProtection/Decrypt", tokenId, tokenSecret, recordsToDecrypt, "userId", "userIp", "FunctionName", "RecordId")

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Code will be available soon.


Code will be available soon.


Code will be available soon.


Code will be available soon.

Encrypt/Decrypt/Update/Delete instructions Data Instructions

The instructions for Encrypt/Decrypt/Update/Delete end points are very similar. The only different is the Update end point, to update the data you will also need to pass the old value.
Name Type Description
tokenId Guid Required Token Id.
tokenSecret string Required Token Secret.
records Collection(Array/List)
Enter the record information encrypt/decrypt/deleted/updated. If you are updating the old data you will need to pass the oldValue.
Name Type Description
value string Required The value of the record.
oldValue string Optional/Required The value of the old record. You only need to send the old value when updating the data from one value to another value.
primaryKey string Optional Primary key of the record.
fieldId string Optional The field/column name.
trackUserIp string Required User IP address to track user activities.
trackUserId string Required Add user Id address to track user activities.
trackFunctionName string Optional/Required Assign a function permission name.
Note: If you enable the Function Permission on the app setting, you must pass the proper value otherwise the system will deny visitors from access your specified function.
trackRecordId string Optional Enter record if you want to log track who did what the data.

Download Integration and SDK

Download Data Integration Tool for Windows OS

Download SDK With Language. If you don't see your machine language here please contact us we may have something still baking up the code for you.